what can you do to be eco?

Live a bio life every day is possible. It is a matter of good habits. Here are some advice:

1. Adjust the temperature of boilers and water-heaters on 60°, it is enough

2. Change the traditional lights bulbs with low-consumption ones

3. Switch off the lights if it is not necessary

4. Avoid standby functions of TV and radio sets

5. Avoid, if possible, to use the elevator (this help also your health)

6. Choose fruits and vegetables in season, it is healthy and you pay them less (strawberries are good, but in December they do not taste the same)

7. When you cook, put the lid on the pot

8. Use washing machine and dishwasher only full load

9. Put filters to taps and shower to save water

10. Set the fridge’s temperature on 5°-6° and do not put in the fridge warm food (and remember to defrost often the freezer)

11. Set your home thermostat on 20° (if you are cold, first wear a pullover)

12. Disconnect the battery charger, when you do not use it to charge your mobile phone

13. Use the public transport or the bicycle